Aims and Objectives
- To promote and coordinate research and studies on Tribal Life, Society Socio-economic problems and their management.
- To undertake and to promote research and studies on the diverse culture of tribal groups and their interrelationship with the different cultural streams of India.
To attain these objectives, the Council shall:
- Conduct Micro and Macro studies on the development of Socio-economic and cultural aspects of tribals.
- Establish such departments, institutions as may be necessary for promoting inter disciplinary studies.
- Collaborate or associate with Universities and other academic institutions and other organizations with similar aims and objectives in India or abroad in such a manner as may be necessary for the promotion of the objectives.
- Make provisions for advisory services and for that purpose to enter into such arrangements with the institutions bodies, agencies of Government or private as council may deem necessary.
- Provide programmes of training to persons with a view to serve better in tribal areas.
- Prepare, print and publish papers, journals, reports and books in furtherance of the objectives of the Council.
- Secure and accept endowments, grant-in-aid, donations or gifts on mutually agreed terms and conditions.